Now conducting all hypnotherapy sessions virtually - by phone, FaceTime and Zoom.

Hypnotherapy Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis ?

Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation where the mind becomes more receptive to suggestions.

Are you asleep?

No. You are awake and aware of everything going on around you during hypnosis. You are, though, very pleasantly relaxed, peaceful and tranquil.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Yes, everyone is hypnotizable. Hypnosis is a completely natural state, it is easy to achieve and it is very enjoyable.

Will I be under your control?

No, not at all! In fact, the goal of hypnotherapy is often to help the client be more calm and in control. I’d like to dispel some common misconceptions about this therapy. For some people who have never tried it, the idea of going into a hypnotic trance may seem weird or scary. But the fact is that we’ve all experienced trance states in everyday life–whether daydreaming, watching a movie, driving home on autopilot, or practicing meditation or other relaxation techniques. Essentially, trance is an altered state of consciousness marked by decreased scope and increased intensity of awareness. What distinguishes hypnotherapy is that it involves a deliberate choice to enter this state of consciousness for a goal beyond relaxation: to focus your concentration and use suggestion to promote healing. It can be done in person with a hypnotherapist or you can do it yourself, called self-hypnosis.

How long does it last?

Usually with a short series of sessions, (four sessions) we can achieve lasting results. Sometimes a hypnosis CD can be used to reinforce the effect the night before a specific event. And certain goals, such as weight control, benefit from periodic “follow-up” or “booster” sessions.

What kinds of problems respond well to hypnosis?

Hypnosis is very good at reducing stress because hypnosis is so profoundly relaxing. Hypnosis is very effective at elevating and strengthening self-confidence and self-esteem. It is highly successful in helping people overcome fears and phobias, (fear of flying, anxiety/panic attacks, public speaking anxiety and claustrophobia). Hypnosis is tremendously successful in helping people get control of their eating habits and lose weight. Motivational hypnosis can help people stop procrastinating, begin exercising or increase sales.

Thousands and thousands of people have successfully stopped smoking using hypnosis. Hypnosis is also particularly good at helping people stay calm and focused when taking stressful exams, (state licensure exams, certification exams, professional exams as well as SAT’s and GMAT’s). Today, the field of “sports hypnosis” helping athletes enhance their performance through heightened mental focus is growing exponentially!

How does hypnosis work?

In hypnosis the “critical” or analytical” part of the mind becomes relaxed or disengaged. Suggestions are then received more deeply without criticism and thus, have a far greater impact.

Exactly what happens during the first session with a hypnotherapist?

MFirst, we take a half hour to talk and look closely at what areas we want to focus on. Then, the client sits back in a very comfortable recliner chair and is asked to simply listen to the hypnotherapist’s voice. In about twelve minutes a pleasantly relaxed state of hypnosis has been achieved and the client is given specific suggestions to help him or her achieve their goal.

The client is awake at all times (though very relaxed) and hears and remembers everything that is said. At the end of the one-hour session, the client opens their eyes feeling refreshed, and often a bit serene. Some clients use the word “mellow” to describe how they feel after hypnosis. Usually, clients get immediate results, immediate improvement the very first week.

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